Welcome to Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church in Athens, AL
a congregation of the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA)


Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church, the first PCA church in Limestone County, exists to glorify God in making disciples of Jesus Christ by reaching and equipping God’s people through the ordinary means of grace, which are God’s Word, prayer, sacraments, worship, service, and gospel community. Come and worship with us! Hear the gospel clearly presented, experience joyful worship, and discover true community with other believers.


Sunday Schedule
9:30am Worship
11:00am Sunday School


Click on the image to listen to our current sermon series


We long to see the world, from Athens, Alabama to the ends of the earth, "filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD as the waters cover the sea" (Hab. 2:14) so that all God’s people may glorify and enjoy him forever.

Our Denomination

The Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) is a growing denomination celebrating its 50th year of seeking to be “faithful to the Scriptures, true to the reformed faith, and obedient to the Great Commission”.

Our Community

We love the Lord and we love one another. We desire to faithfully teach God's Word and reach our community for Christ through worship, growth in grace, fellowship and service, and evangelism and missions.


1432 Freeman Ave
Athens, AL 35613

While parking is limited at our building, our neighbors next door and across the street have invited us to use their parking lots. Many of our members park there in order to leave more room in our lot for those with mobility issues and for visitors.


How to Recognize a True Church

by Pastor Jeff Hooker

If it looks like a duck and walks like a duck and quacks like a duck then it’s a…yep, a duck. Surely, you’ve heard that saying before, one typically used, I believe, to make an accusation stick. However, it goes beyond just that one use. On the surface, something that has all the qualities of a duck must be a duck, whether you’re trying to get an accusation to stick or just trying to figure out what something is.

What if you changed the word “duck” to “church”? How would you recognize what a church is? Or, to ask it another way, what makes a church a church? continue reading…