“…make disciples of all nations…teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.” Matthew 28:19


Adult Sunday School

Adult Sunday school is usually held from mid-August through May, however we take a break from Sunday school classes in the summer months.

We strongly encourage you to commit to participating in Sunday school. These classes are intended to aid us in our understanding of God and his Word, and to equip us to accomplish our mission in the world. We hope you’ll come back in the Fall when we kick off Sunday school for all ages after our summer break!

Harold Hamilton is teaching a combined adult and youth class called Decisive Moments in the History of Christianity following worship and fellowship time on Sundays.

Listen to some of our previous Sunday School lessons from our Unfolding Covenants study below.

Covenant and the Atonement Handout (Teacher Edition)

For Further Study: Covenants

Want to do more reading on the covenants God has made with man? Here are some great resources to get you started.

Children’s Sunday School

Jesus is God’s Son (Preschool-1st grade)

Young children will learn that God’s promise to send a Savior, made so long ago to Adam and Eve, was fulfilled in Jesus, the Son of God. Preschoolers will learn that Jesus is truly God’s Son, their living Savior. May they learn to listen to his voice through the Word of God, and may they grow to trust and obey him.

G2R Bible Survey: (2nd-6th grade)

In G2R Bible Survey, your students will read and study the Scriptures for themselves, with an emphasis on putting what they have learned at younger ages into historical and chronological context. These are essential steps to growing in faith and great preparation for high school and beyond.

We use the curriculum from Great Commission Publications for all of our children’s classes.