Acts 4:1-31
The Message of the Church
Acts 3:11-26
An Invasion of the World to Come
Acts 3:1-10
The Maturing Church
Acts 2:41-47
Grace Covenant Presbyterian Pentecostal Church
Acts 2:1-41
Replacing Judas
Acts 1:12-26
Introducing the Acts of the Ascended Christ
Acts 1:1-11
Jesus, the Model Deacon
Luke 4:14-21
Jesus, the Model Shepherd
John 10:1-21
The Office of Deacon
Acts 6:1-7
What An Elder Does
Acts 20
What An Elder Is
Titus 1:5-9
The King and His Kingdom
Psalm 2
Providence Illustrated
Romans 8:28; Ruth 1-4
The Courtroom Scene
Ruth 4