It has long been the desire of both Decatur Presbyterian Church and Providence Presbytery to see a PCA church planted in Athens. In God’s providence, that possibility and desire became a reality in 2012 when the number of members of DPC living in Athens reached a critical mass.  Initially, there were four families at DPC who approached their elder about wanting to start a church in Athens.  From that meeting, the Athens Fellowship Group was born in February 2012.

This fellowship group met for meals and discussion until starting a book study. That summer, another three families were added to the group.

In the fall of 2012, they began a weekly Bible study and added several more Athenians to the group.  The spring of 2013 saw formal approval from the Session of Decatur Presbyterian Church to form a mission church and to create a search committee to locate a church planter.

Jeff and Nancy Hooker and their three children moved to Athens in August of 2013, continuing the Sunday evening study meeting in the Valley Church building on Lindsay Lane.  Our first official members were received in March of 2014 with 31 communing members and 11 non-communing members.  At that point, we began evening worship services, which continued through February 2015. We began morning worship services at the Athens Limestone Public Library on March 1, 2015.


Summer Sunday night fellowship at the park

Summer Sunday night fellowship at the park

Game night at the Hooker’s home

Game night at the Hooker’s home