Sunday Night Fellowship

John Donne was right. No man is an island, entire of itself. We are made for relationships, with both our Creator and other creatures. Yet, we live busy, distracted, and disconnected lives. One of man’s greatest fears is being alone, but we do little to cultivate meaningful relationships.

This is why we created Sunday Night Fellowship (SNF), to help us meet that deep-seated relational need and to establish a place where the preached Word would be encouraged to become the lived Word. We established them, as the name may suggest, to build fellowship within Grace Covenant Church. SNF is a place where encouragement, prayer, and care for one another can be and will be best accomplished.

Sunday Night Fellowship is for whole families, including children, which gives us a wonderful opportunity to build intergenerational relationships within the body of Christ. Join us at 5:30 pm on the 2nd and 4th Sunday nights of each month in different homes for food, fellowship, sometimes singing or games, and prayer. We need families willing to open their homes. Please let Jeff know what date you would like to host.