Acts 18:1-17
The Other Athens
Acts 17:16-34
A Tale of Two Cities
Acts 17: 1-15
Paul in Philippi
Acts 16: 11-40
The Ordinary and Extraordinary in Church Growth
Acts 15:36-16:10
The First General Assembly
Acts 15:1-34
Dangers, Toils, and Snares
Acts 14
Christ, the Fulfillment of the Old Testament
Acts 13:13-52
Local Church, Global Mission
Acts 13:1-12
Obstacles to the Growth of the Church
Acts 11:19-12:25
Cornelius, The Gentile
Acts 9:32-11:18
Saul, The Convert
Acts 9:1-31
Philip, The Evangelist
Acts 8
Stephen, The Witness
Acts 6-8
All Things In Common
Acts 4:32-5:11